HomeEconomynewsJordan Peterson 'Would Rather Die' Than Delete Elliot Page Tweet About Elliot...

Jordan Peterson ‘Would Rather Die’ Than Delete Elliot Page Tweet About Elliot Page’s Gender, Reacts To Twitter Ban


Jordan Peterson said he “would rather die” than delete the tweet about Elliot Page that got his account shut down. This makes it seem like he will never use Twitter again.

Last week, people close to Peterson said that Twitter had suspended his account and that he could get it back in 12 hours if he deleted a tweet that said Pride was a “sin” back in the day and mentioned the “criminal doctor” who took “Ellen” Page’s breasts off.

Jordan Peterson ‘Would Rather Die’ Than Delete Elliot Page Tweet

Peterson has now said what he thinks about Twitter and talked about the things he said that got him banned from the site. The Canadian social media star put up a nearly 15-minute video on Instagram and YouTube in which he talked about the situation and repeated what he had said before.

Jordan Peterson 'Would Rather Die' Than Delete Elliot Page Tweet

“If I don’t delete the hateful tweet, I won’t be able to get my account back. And I’d rather die than do something like that, “In the video, he posted late on Friday, Peterson said.

“What did I say that made everyone so upset? What exactly did I say that got me kicked off the site?” Peterson asked as he continued to break down the first tweet about Page.

Mikhaila, Jordan Peterson’s daughter, posted a screenshot of the original tweet and the response that her father got from Twitter.

He said, “It is clear that I did not encourage violence or threaten anyone with my letter.” “So that leaves harassing, which is maybe a smaller sin. Let’s assume, since Twitter didn’t do me the favour of telling me exactly what I did wrong, that that was the crime, and more harassment based on so-called “gender identity.”

He told Twitter how angry he was and asked them to tell him exactly what rules he broke “What rules do you kids follow? Exactly? Precisely? Because these things matter when people start making accusations.”

He criticised the first part of his statement, saying that “pride” used to be a sin. “Pride has always been seen as a bad thing, so I don’t think of it as a virtue.

I don’t think sexual In the end, he said: “In the end, Twitter is just a rat hole. And I’m probably a part of that because I’ve been trying to use, understand, and master that awful, dangerous platform.

I’m sorry about that, and I’m trying to get better, but in a way, it’s a relief to be banned.

And I thought it was a badge of honour given how things were at the time.” orientation or any kind of sexual desire is something to be proud of or celebrate. So, what I said was just the truth.”

Peterson then explains why he used the pronoun “her” to talk about Elliot instead of “he” or “they.” He said that to talk about Elliot’s mastectomy, he needed to use her old pronouns.


In the end, he said: “In the end, Twitter is just a rat hole. And I’m probably a part of that because I’ve been trying to use, understand, and master that awful, dangerous platform.

I’m sorry about that, and I’m trying to get better, but in a way, it’s a relief to be banned. And I thought it was a badge of honour given how things were at the time.”

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