It is the sequel to 'Thor: Ragnarok', released in 2017, and it marks Thor's return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe following 'Avengers: Endgame', released...
The Simpsons is a prominent American animated sitcom made by Matt Groening for Fox Broadcasting Company. It is a mocking portrayal of American life,...
Tristan's father is on duty with his daughter, fulfilling his fatherly duties! While ex-Khloe Kardashian jetted out to Italy in advance of Kourtney Kardashian...
Lina Esco most well-known performances are Jimmy Smits' daughter on the CBS drama television show Cane, Kelly in the romantic drama film London, and...
Katy Perry has a temperature-controlled vault where she keeps her most iconic looks.Katy Perry is only two years into her pregnancy, but she already...